About Us
About Otto
Gulf of Mexico Basin
A proven, large-scale hydrocarbon basin
- Most prolific hydrocarbon basin in US, with rich liquid content
- Cumulative basin production of 22,463 MMBbl and 191,774 Bcf
- Average shelf discovery is 6.3 MMBbl and 54 Bcf
- Average deepwater discovery is 20 MMBbl and 52 Bcf
A superior place to operate
- Low royalty rates, 12.5% royalty on new leases (18.75% on existing)
- Some existing leases with royalty reduction and/or suspension
- Stable political environment, low Federal and State regulations
A premium product type
- Typical GoM shelf production is Light Sweet Crude
- Typical US$2-5/Bbl premium to WTI in US domestic market