Pillar 2
Pillar 2: Maximising organic growth opportunities
Optimising captured resources
Creating value through leveraging organic options
1P Reserves: 3,722 MBoe
- Nine wells (six are PDP, two are PDNP and one, Green #3, is a PUD)
- Six recompletions anticipated
- 12-year estimated life of Reserves
2P Reserves: 5,832 MBoe
- Adds one additional well (Green #4) plus an additional 0.9 Mmboe from remaining assets.
- Six recompletions above also adds to Probable Reserves
- > 14-year estimated life of Reserves
3P Reserves: 7,812 MBoe
- Adds one additional well (Green #5) plus 0.6 Mmboe from remaining reserves
- Additional wells possible with continued development at Lightning
- > 14-year estimated life of Reserves