Who we are
Board of Directors

Non-Executive Interim Chair and Non-Executive Director
Mr. Page was appointed 17 July 2020 as Non-Executive Director. He also became Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee on 1 August 2020. He is a finance professional with over 20 years of senior finance, accounting and management experience gained globally within a number of industries. He has over 10 years of board experience gained in several different firms.
Mr. Page is a member of CPA Australia, Fellow Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and a Fellow Member of the Governance Institute of Australia.

Deputy Chair and Non-executive Director

Justin Clyne
Non-Executive Director
Justin Clyne is an Australian based company director and company secretary for public-listed and unlisted companies. Mr Clyne has significant experience and knowledge in international law and corporate regulatory requirements. Mr Clyne was admitted as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and High Court of Australia in 1996 before gaining admission as a barrister in 1998. Over the past 17 years, Mr Clyne has dedicated himself full time to the provision of corporate advisory and related services for listed entities primarily in the Australian and North American markets from incorporation through to takeovers and other large corporate transactions and specifically has acted as a director for Australian and dual listed oil and gas entities with US operations. Mr Clyne holds a Master of Laws in International Law from the University of New South Wales. Mr Clyne is also a qualified Chartered Company Secretary and a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Director.

(Non-Executive Director)
Management/Financial Otto Employees

Julie Dunmore
Chief Financial Officer

Phil Trajanovich
Acting Chief Executive Officer

Assistant Accountant​
Ms. Johnston is the Assistant Accountant for Otto Energy Ltd having joined the company in January 2013. She has over 25 years experience in Financial Accounting, with 15 years of that being within Oil and Gas.
Ms. Johnston’s previous roles as Assistant Accountant include Cooper Energy Ltd (2005-2012), Australian Capital Equity (2003-2005) and Australian Red Cross Blood Service (1996-2003). She has a Diploma in Accounting and a Certificate IV in Business Administration.